Rehearsal Studios
Woodrock Studios LLC reserves the right to switch room accommodations without notice due to scheduling conflicts and/or bookings.
Studio rooms are generally available 10 minutes before rehearsal time, please check with us if there is another band in your room beforehand.
If you want an early-in for your room (typically 30 to 15 minutes before), you will be charged accordingly. NO BAND EXCEPTIONS!
Each of our comfortable rehearsal studios are available for 2+ hour rental and come fully equipped with a Tascam CD-Recorder, PA System, Full Backline including: Drum Kit, 2 Guitar Half-Stacks, Bass Rig and 4 Vocal Microphones.
Rehearsal rooms are NOT equipped with Drum Sticks, Cymbals, Guitars, Basses or Keyboards. All these items can be rented for a nominal fee. Please see us for assistance or for any special requests you might have.
We kindly ask that you use the last 10 minutes of your rehearsal session to breakdown your gear & allow the next band to start at their allotted time.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please check around the room for any belongings before you leave.
Click on any of the pictures below for more info on each of our studios.